Runde & Co. LLC Philosophy
Runde & Co. LLC seeks to achieve solid, risk-adjusted returns for its investors through the construction and management of highly diversified portfolios of equity securities. The investment strategy is a fundamentally-based, process-driven approach. Runde's objective methodology, based on a proprietary filter developed in-house, is designed to identify undervalued and overvalued stocks.
There are a number of benefits to a process-driven investment strategy and specifically to the Runde strategy. The primary benefit is that the Runde implementation creates and facilitates a dispassionate, unbiased approach to investing which is replicable and in which stock selection criteria can be uniformly applied. A secondary benefit is that a systematic approach allows for greater diversification of the assets which contributes to better risk-adjusted performance and a reduction in company-specific risks. Lastly, Runde portfolios have very low turnover which mitigates style-drift.
- Fundamentals Drive Stock Price Returns
- Highly Diversified Portfolios Reduce Exposure to Corporate Event Risk
- Disciplined Investment Approach Is Replicable